Monday, March 4, 2013

Transparent Screen Launcher 6.0 APK

Transparent Screen Launcher 6.0 APK
Features:Transparent Screen Launcher is application stack.

1) Landscape App Launcher.
2) Port-rate App Launcher.
3) Transparent Windows 8 launcher.
4) Fun Santa Camera.
5) Transparent Paint.
6) Transparent Guitar.
7) Live wallpaper.
8) Transparent Sudoku Game.
9)Transparent SMS Inbox and Sent Box
10)Transparent SMS Popup
11)Transparent Call logs
12)Transparent Note
13)Transparent Quick app opener
14)Transparent Calls,SMS Backup & Restore.

Transparent Screen Launcher 6.0 APK
Transparent Guitar:Play guitar Music on Transparent window.

Transparent SMS Inbox and Sent Box: Display SMS in Transparent message window.

Transparent Call logs: Display call history in Transparent message window.

Transparent Calls,SMS Backup & Restore:You can take backup all call logs & SMS logs details And restore when ever you want.

Transparent Quick app opener:This for quick way to open apps.Add number for each application when ever you want just dial then it will open automatic.It is user full when ever you have large number of apps then easy to manage apps.

Transparent SMS Popup :Quick way to reach message to you by using SMS Popup in Transparent window.

Transparent Sudoku Game.Play Sudoku game on transparent window.

Transparent Windows 8 launcher:Window 8 icon type screen launcher with transparent screen background.its looking good on your device.

Transparent Paint :Paint Transparent Wall & And easy to learn fast way to draw paint.We ca easily paint by using this which thing you want draw just open book or image or news paper then select transparent paint now u can draw path on camera view.

Fun Santa Camera.It's Magic Camera Using this we can capture image and replace Santa Claus face with yours and also merry Christmas Micky Mouse face.

Transparent Screen Launcher 6.0 APK
Download Link Click link HERE