- shows additional information like sunrise/sunset, station location/elevation, timezone, and daylight saving adjustment
- optionally displays all times in GMT or in the station's local time
- supports US and metric units
- display/adding of nearby stations
AeroWeather 1.32 APK
Requirements: Android 2.2+
Overview: Finally, the famous Aeroweather app is now available on Android!
AeroWeather 1.32 APK
What's in this version:
- Added full tablet support from 1.28 onwards
- Fixed compatibility with Nexus devices
- ICAO code for the station "Johannesburg International Airport" has been changed from FAJS to FAOR
- Fixed issue in radar display in Switzerland
- Resolved issue with showing offline data on tablet
- Corrected decoding of the snowtam field in the metar
- Added MIL color code icons
- Added Notams support!